Episode 12+13 Podcast Show Notes - Ute Behrendt

Episode 12+13 Podcast Show Notes - Ute Behrendt

In the first part of this two-part conversation, Ute Behrendt and Paulette Waltz discuss Ute's journey with plant medicines. The conversation begins with marijuana and the interaction with Ayahuasca, talk about the need for wisdom-keepers especially in the formative ages, and how Ute found her Shipibo maestros and the lineage and tree which she has committed to working with.

Excerpt from this episode: "And I mean, what I feel is really missed in our societies, is the wisdom keepers who teach us as teenagers, you know, if we would have like, parents, or teachers or someone in every school, or in every village, or in general and society, who writes what you can read the newspapers, where it's like, where we, where we receive teachings, how to use plants. How can we use it where the risk when we don't use it in the right way? What can happen? And I think I mean, this is the missing link. Yes. Because we are I mean, I don't know how it was for you. But for me, I was so curious consciousness. I was so curious to explore the new there's so much more, but I didn't had a teacher and then they had a wisdom keeper."

"I think I never committed to something else before. And also, you know, when I when this happened in after this first dieta in the Arkana ceremony in the last ceremony of the dieta. I mean, I don't know if I was aware about what do I really commit, but it just happened, it just happened....and I was so grateful. Also to meet these wisdom keepers, because I told you as a teenager, I always missed with my mushrooms experience and other psychedelic experiences I experienced things were new, it's true. And I know I was always a little kind of alone with it. I mean, I had my friends, really lovely people, lovely friends, big connections, good friendships.

But with my experience, I felt often, okay, I'm figuring that out by myself. And when I met the Shipibo, since 2015, the first time and when I met 2016, my maestros. And I knew after this first year with this tree, I knew this is the lineage and this is the tree. So I had like this, it's like a little bit like something what always was missed, but I was not really aware that I missed it. It got filled, and it was like wow, something inside of me was longing for that wisdom keepers, for these shamans, for these people who know how to work with these subtle energies and connecting you to this world of a tree, which is like this different dimension. They call it also 'palo volador,' it's like a 'flying medicine world' translated."

Part II

In the second part of this two-part conversation, Ute Behrendt and Paulette Waltz continue talking about Ute's journey with plant medicines, specifically her experience with one lineage. The conversation continues with the exploration of the internal processes while in plant medicine ceremonies and the weaving of different healing modalities in ceremony and in life.

Excerpt from this episode:

"...to be seen and understood, you know, in times where it's a lot of confusion, because transformation also means confusion. Because when all this structure gets loose and shaken up, there are there are moments where you don't know who you are, you don't know what to do You don't know what is real and what is not real. And you don't know, do I have a perspective? Do I want to have a perspective? Do I want to have a view? Now? There's a lot of confusion in that times. It's important. Someone who understands."

"And working with the same plants gave me like a space and somehow a connection where you know, I didn't change lineages. I didn't change plants. Let's say I had this energetic field where I'm held and I'm in a lineage. There so much I see in a way like memories stored of knowledge and of teachings and also being in the world from mainly one tree. I mean the tree was the world of the tree was and is holding me and all the teachings and all the washing cleansing through... and the lineage were working with they are very very famous and well-known and well-respected and they had all their ancestors they were onayas and morayas onayas are the one who knows and the morayas are the highest as far as I know the highest spiritualists in the shipibo tradition they say they are not any more living here on Earth. So there through the Icaro through the work from my maestros, I think I was I was and I am held in a very safe energetic field. And this is what is guiding me what is protecting me what is in interaction with me all the time."

Ute Behrendt has been dedicated to learning and studying long-term masterplant diets with a well-known and respected Shipibo Healer lineage in the Ucayali region in Peru. She sees herself as a bridge between ancestral wisdom and western understanding of life. She organizes and hosts masterplant retreats and diets and provides psycho-spiritual inquiry sessions and mentoring.

You can find more about Ute and her work with retreats and integration at www.true-journey.net

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